Event Marketing is a brilliant way to grow your database and your businesses reach.
Whether it be a small gathering like a boardroom session, a trade show or an epic event that gets hundreds of people to a room just to see your business, it is important to get the essential elements right.
Successfully marketing an event is a monumental task with many moving parts. In this edition of Minuteman Press Talk we take a look at what is required to promote and run a great event.
Marketo has examined typical breakdowns of event marketing budgets. These, of course, will vary based on your niche, event type and size of event. However, one thing will never change, and that is the Importance of handing out quality print materials at the event itself.
It is worth pointing out the print collateral fits in the major part of the event budget – for obvious reasons.
Many of us have attended events where the pitch is for tremendous commitment on the offered products or services, yet the forms or collateral provided are substandard or poorly designed.
When you hold print materials in your hand, you instinctively make a judgement on the value of the offer and the quality of the company promoting their business.
Great companies, like global entrepreneurial events business KPI Key Person of Influence, invest upfront in their print materials for each and every event, whether that be for prospects or clients, because they know the value of positioning and perception in the marketplace.
KPI enables business owners and professionals to position themselves as the “Key Person of Influence” in their industry through their Brand Acceleratorprogram. Getting this right is critical to your success.
If you have the formula worked out but provide poor quality printed stationery, brochures, or business cards, you undermine everything you are trying to achieve.
Make no mistake; your prospects are making judgements between you and your competitors. A simple step like ensuring your print materials are of superior quality can have your potential customers saying things like “They just feel like the better choice.”
3 Top Tips For A Successful Event:
1. Use Joint Venture Marketing To Grow Your Audience & Database.
Having partners who will email out to their database and share your events, products and services is the fastest, most affordable way, to expand your reach and fill your events.
2. Emails and Event Landing Pages
Make sure your email messages and event landing pages are saying the same thing. Keep the continuity and send multiple promotions over the 3 – 4 weeks leading up to the event.
3. Send Reminders
Send timely SMS and email reminders the day before and on the day of the event because these are an excellent way to increase show up rates. Include useful information like the address and registration time for the event.
4. Quality Print Materials
Whether you are running a large or intimate event the quality of your print message and the stock it’s on matter; better quality will help your conversion rates.
5. Last Week & Last Days
Remember, with most events your biggest registration numbers will come in the last week, and the people most likely to show up are those who purchase tickets, or if you’re running a free event, it is those who register in the last few days.
Minuteman Press specialises in Event Marketing Materials and offers packages to suit your event size with everything from Lanyards (name tags) to Flyers, Brochures, Forms and Booklets.
Minuteman Press are proud printers for Key Person of Influence and many of their successful graduates.